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Menopause Yoga

What is Menopause Yoga (MY)?
Menopause Yoga™ is a style of yoga designed to help women as they journey through the transitional and transformative stages of menopause.  So whether you are in peri-menopause, menopause or post-menopause it offers positive opportunities and tools to  support yourself, but also to talk with, share and listed to others who are on a similar journey.  Each person's menopause journey is unique, but there are likely common experiences and symptoms that many of us might share.

Menopause Yoga™ utilises Eastern wellbeing and Western medicine in a holistic and balanced way to offer women and those experiencing menopause to feel more empowered and gain knowledge and insight into their own bodies, minds and wellness. 

After struggling with my own menopause symptoms, including hot flushes, heightened anxiety, panic attacks, low mood and overwhelm, I sought ways to help and support myself, and in that process discovered Petra Coveney's Menopause Yoga™ teacher training. 

I completed my teacher training in March 2022, discovering a wealth of information, tools, techniques and support that I have benefited from enormously and I'm now delighted to be able to offer and share some of that support with others.

I offer regular Menopause Yoga Workshops, usually held at Bodywise Studios in Warnham.

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